100 years
Sunday Masses Online
In English at 10.30 am, and in Spanish at 1.30 pm
Misas Dominicales en Vivo
En Inglés a las 10.30 am, y en Español a las 1.30 pm

Contact Us
Monday-Friday: 10 am-12 Noon; 3pm-5 pm

Mass times
Monday – Friday 7.30 am, 9:00 am & 12:00 noon Thursday: 6.30 pm [Spanish]
Saturday: 9:00 am & 12:00 noon
12:00 noon & 6:00 pm [English]

Saturdays: In the Lower Church From 4:00pm to 5.15 pm
At the Rectory During office hours or by Appointment

Exposition and benediction
Monday – Friday: From 8:00 – 9:00 am
Thursdays after the 12:00 noon mass
Benediction: 6.00 pm

Baptism Class: at 2:30pm just before the Baptism Ceremony

Wedding arrangements (for both Private and Group) have to be made at the Rectory at least Six Months in advance

Anointing of the sick
Catholic sacrament that provides healing and spiritual strength to the sick
Please call the Rectory for Emergencies

Mass Intentions
Masses offered for the well-being of someone, or someone who passed
Also Available: Funeral, Memorial, Thanksgiving and Quinceañera Masses
Visit the Rectory for Mass arrangements

Director: Ms Lizbeth Pimentel-Maya
Phone: 718-478-5593 Email: ffosjaparish@gmail.com Office Entrance: Southeast corner of the parking lot [red doors]

Faith Formation Programs for the Adults and Other Community Activities
Phone: 718-533-9519 Email:stjapastoralmin@aol.com Office: At the end of the parking lot.

new here?
We are more than happy to welcome you. Please stop by the Rectory during office hours for questions on how to become part of our church family.

We are back to normal mass schedule
Let us pray for those who suffer from covid-19 infection; and for medical staff; and those who have passed from us.